Like we always say, new cars need protection right away! And as you know, Superior Detailer has a lot of experience when it comes to the Nissan GTR!
Orlando’s exclusive Nissan GTR specialist. SD knows the right products and procedures that keep these cars looking great for years, not months. But first we will show you just how soft the paint work really is.
This is a 2014 model that sat at the dealership for quite awhile. It came to us with plenty of tiny isolated (RIDS) scratches and light marring. The surface of a GTR is super soft, so it needs our attention right away!
To achieve perfection, GTR’s usually require a Light Paint Correction. A Scholl Concepts medium-cut correction, followed by a light final polish, really made this deep blue metallic paint POP! A total of ten hours was put into this portion of the detail.
Now lets move on to the protection!! To prevent rock chips, our client wished to have the front bumper (highly recommended) wrapped in Xpel PPF (paint protection film)…a wise choice for cars that have large painted front faces! We chose one of the best installers (Alan in Orlando for our PPF install. He has decades of experience and did a great job. Thanks, Alan!
Once the PPF was cured we then installed our ceramic paint protection over the entire painted surface including the PPF.
Gtechniq Gold package:1 coat GTechniq Crystal Serum topped with 2 coats of Gtechniq EXO!
Wheels were removed and also protected with Gtechniq Crystal Serum and EXO.
Full interior detail with Gtechniq protection applied as well. All leather, carpets, and door cards were treated.
Gtechniq Gold package detail complete! The protection we applied will make maintaining this car a breeze! Two coats of EXO over the ceramic Crystal Serum will provide an ultra slick and durable surface. It’s self cleaning effect will insure this car stays clean a lot longer as well!
Mega reflection and high gloss bought to you by SD!
Thank you for reading!
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